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World Food Day 2022

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World Food Day 2022



So today is World Food Day!

As we know that the commemoration of world food day aims to make people in the world aware that there are people around us who are hungry, malnourished and have nothing.

In commemorating World Food Day, creative ideas are needed and inspire many people. These ideas are necessary to make World Food Day more interesting and memorable.

Then, what is the idea of a creative and inspiring World Food Day event? Check out the following examples. 

1- Distributing food to street children

2- Distributing groceries to the poor

3- Eat healthy food 

4- Create a Simple Garden (Grow vegetable plants in your home) 

5- Educate the importance of not wasting food

6- Giving compensation to the poor

 7- Waste-free day

If you have any other ideas please do add it here

Don't forget to share with us how you have celebrated world food day! Share pictures and stories

We'll share it to inspire others.

Thanks 😊


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